Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 18th to August 21st

Another week and more gains!!!

Rolled my ankle during our yard sale, so that cost me a little for Cardio, since I needed to leave out cardio for a couple of days. Now today, I made a major gain on my Elliptical mile, I attribute this not to 1 month back at the gym, I attribute it to the 2 years of kung fu classes. I did the mile on the elliptical in 9:57 today. I broke 10 minutes, which for a 42 year old 225# guy, is pretty amazing I think.

18 August 2013 (With Sean...morning workout)
Chin/Dip Assist
6@40# Assist OZ (OZ the great and powerful)
4@30#+1@40# Assist to failure
3@40# Assist +2@60# Assist
7@20# Assist
These dip totals are better than my end of week results, I think this is due to the 3 days off, my muscles really recovered nicely.

Supine Bench
12@200# (narrow)
6@220# to failure)
8 burst @ 160# (wide) + 8 burst @ 160# (narrow)
12 burst @ 110# (wide) + 12 burst @ 110# (narrow)

Incline Bench
12+12 @ 111#
6@161# to failure (burned it out with the supine bench.)

6 Suspended Leg Raises
12 Leg Raises
6+6 Raises/Bent Knee raises
12 Leg Raises

19 August 2013
Chin/Dip Assist

12@40#Assist OZ
10@30Assist OZ
6@20# Assist
2@20#+4@40# Assist OZ
5@50# Assist to failure
4@50# Assist TF

Military Dumbbell Press (Military press is straight above the head)
10@25#, 10@ 25#, 12@20#

Side lift Deltoid Raises

Shrugs, Dumbbell (Shrugs build the upper Trapezius muscle)
45# dumbbells 12 reps
50# Dumbbells 16 reps (8 front/8 rear) Rolling it from front to back and back to front
50# Dumbbells 20 reps (10 front/10 rear)

6 Suspended Leg Raises
12 Leg Raises
12 (6+6) Raises/Bent Knee raises
17 (9+8) Raises/Bent Knee raises

20 August 
Ankle has recovered enough to do Circuit Training
Cardio: 20 minutes circuit training.

Back on Legs, even with the ankle still slightly on the mend, I decided to do my legs today, as the ankle was feeling 95%, since it was a compression roll rather than a stretch rolled ankle, I knew the exercising it was needed.

Power Sled
30 reps @ 257# (this is my starting weight, slightly heavier than me) + calf x16
20 reps @ 347# + calf x20
20 reps @ 347# + 12 narrow width
12 reps @ 437# + 12 narrow width
12 reps @ 437#+ 20 calf

Hip Adduction
70# 3 sets of 16/20/12
85# 1 set of 12
100# 1 set of 8

Hip Abduction
70# 3 sets of 12

Leg Extensions
115# 3 sets of 12

Leg Curls
70# 3 sets of 12

21 August
Cardio: Elliptical 15 minutes total 1.27 miles - 1 miles in 9:57!!! I broke the 10 minute mile.

Chin/Dip Assist
6@40# Assist
3@30# Assist +2@50# Assist
5@30# Assist

Abs - Rotary Torso 
100# 3 sets of 10

Core - Fly curls
1 set of 12 @ 17.5#
1 set of 12 @ 22.5#
1 set of  9 @ 27.5#  (failure)
1 set of 4 @ 32.5# (failure)
1 set of 14 @ 17.5# (failure)

3 Suspended Leg Raises
12 Leg Lifts
12 (6+6) Raises/Bent Knee raises
12 Bent Knee raises
12 Leg Lifts
12 Leg Lifts

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

12 August to 14 August

So my primary workout days will be Sunday through Wednesday, 4 days in a row, Kung Fu will be a normal Saturday. Thursdays are a good day for doing demos at Pair-a-Dice Games since it's minis/historicals and

Fridays are my 1/2 day at work, so some days I'll be able to

When I leave Friday/Saturday as my main off-days, it opens it up so I can do Con/Event coverage.

12 August 
Today was a quick trip, I got there less than an hour before closing...

Cardio: 20 minutes in the Circuit, got my heartrate to about 138bpm.

Dumbbell Bench press
3 sets of 12 45# bells

Supline Benchpress Flies 
3 sets of 12 w/25# bells

Incline Dumbbells
3 sets of 12 45# bells

13 August
This was a great day at the gym. While I love going to the gym with Sean and Ian, when I'm by myself, I can really concentrate. Cardio today was amazing...I did 15 minutes elliptical training, but I got 1.21 miles covered, most importantly I broke the mile in under 12...11:09 in fact. My heart rate was about as high as I want to get it at 170bpm, but after i  peaked at the end of the mile it dropped back to 138bpm.

Chin/Dip Assist
Dip Assist
10 reps w/ 40# assist
11 reps w/ 40# assist (failed on 12)
6 reps w/ 30# to failure
3 reps w/20# (failed on 4)

Chin Assist
6 reps w/50# assist (wide grip)
6 reps w/50# assist (narrow grip)
1 reps w/60#+4 reps 70# assist to failure.

Lat Pulldowns
16 reps @ 85# (8 front/8 rear)
12 reps @ 100# (8 front/8 rear)
6 reps @ 130# (3 front/3 rear)
9 reps @ 130# (5 front/4 rear)

Fly Curls (Matrix Machine)
Core exercise working the abs, deltoids, and chest. So I'm warming up on the first set, push it more on the second, go higher on the third set and then burn it out on the last 2 sets.
10 reps @ 22.5# (each side)
14 reps @ 22.5# (each side)
8 reps @ 27.5# (each side)
15 reps @ 17.5# (each side)
22 reps @ 17.5# (each side)

Abs - Matrix Crunch Machine

14 August 
Cardio: Circuit Training 20 minutes (138bpm)

Back extensions
3 sets of 16/20/20 reps

Standing Barbell Curls (braced) 
40# BB
3 sets; 14/16/16

Abs - Matrix Machine

Abs - Matrix Crunch Machine
60 reps to failure @ 60#

Abdomial Obliques
45# disks 30 reps (15 each side)
45# disks 20 reps (10 each side)
25# disks 30 reps (15 each side)

15 August was a planned day off (Thursday)
16 August and 17 august we had a Yard Sale, so Friday was spent prepping, and Saturday was spent doing the yard sale and dealing with with exhaustion due to the insane heat.

Monday, August 12, 2013

8-11 August

8 August - Off due to pulled muscle.

9 August 
Elliptical 15 minutes, 1.03 miles (took it a bit easier today due to the injury)

Chin/Pull up Assist
I'm already showing advances in my strength this is the most apparent in my chins/pulls
Dip Assist
10 reps w/ 40# assist
6 reps w/ 30# to failure
4 reps w/30#+2 reps w/35# to failure
Chin Assist
6 reps w/50# assist (wide grip)
6 reps w/50# assist (narrow grip)
3 reps w/40#+2 reps 2/50# assist to failure.

Back extensions with 10# dumbbell flies
3 sets of 12 reps

Military Press 60# barbell
12 reps forward
16 reps (8 forward/8 rear alternating)
10 reps (5 forward/5 rear alternating)

Abs - Leg raises 
1 set o/15 (straight legged)
1 set o/16 (8 straight leg/8 knee alternating)
1 set of 15 (straight leg)

10-11 August I was working in my garage all day both days, more than enough of a workout, lifting boxes weighing up to 50#, some of them I lifted 3 or 4 times.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

7 August - Highs and Lows

The day started off great. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical...completing a mile in 12:06. and 1.16 miles in 15:00. This is amazing.

I moved on to the Power Sled...and that's where I screwed up. I didn't look at my book to see how I started last week. So instead of starting at 347#, I miscalculated thinking I was doing 90# less.

Result: slight muscle tear in my right quad.

I will have to see if I can go tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 3rd-6th Progress is showing.

Here's another post...I can feel the progress at this point, my reps are increasing and my weights are increasing, this is a danger point however, since on the 4th I pushed the weight up a little too much on bench and ended up having to skip the 5th, since my shoulder was sore...lesson learned for the 42 year old lifter...progress slower, don't get cocky.

3 August 
Kung Fu - hour long class, almost not enough but if it's an off-day at the gym, no issue.

4 August 
Chest Day
Cardio  1.11 miles elliptical 15 minutes 139 avg pulse, maxed at 154.

Chin/Dip Assist (doing assisted dips/chinups until I can do them full weight)
6 @ 201# 
6 @ 221# 
18 burst reps @ 160# (10 narrow/8 wide grip)
8 reps @ 200# (wide grip)
8 reps @ 200# (narrow grip)
8 burst reps @ 130# (wide grip)+6 burst reps @ 130# (narrow grip)
*This is where I went wrong...I was too amped, I did TOO much TOO soon. I'm lucky it only took me down for a day.
Pec Fly nautilus machine
16 reps @ 130#
14 reps @ 160#
6 reps @ 205#
20 reps @ 115# to failure
20 reps @ 85# burst

Pec Fly nautilus machine
16 reps @ 130#
14 reps @ 160#
6 reps @ 205#
20 reps @ 115# to failure
20 reps @ 85# burst

Dumbbell curls (seated)
20 reps,  (10 each side) 25# bells horizontal
24 reps,  (12 each side) 25# bells vertical
24 reps,  (12 each side) 25# bells horizontal speed

Fly Curls Matrix Machine
Dumbbell curls (seated)
20 reps,  (10 each side) 25# bells horizontal
24 reps,  (12 each side) 25# bells vertical
24 reps,  (12 each side) 25# bells horizontal speed
Fly Curls Matrix Machine
Fly Curls Matrix Machine
22.5# each side 10 reps
Preacher Curls
Curl bar 25#
3 sets; 16/12/12
leg lifts
1 @ 15 reps
2 @ 12 reps
leg lifts
1 @ 15 reps
2 @ 12 reps

6 @ 50# assist
3 @ 50# assist/3@60# (remember I weigh around 225#, so that's Chin ups of like 165#)
4 @ 60# assist

10 @ 60# assist
10 @ 50# assist
8 @ 55# assist (to failure)

Supine Bench 
20 reps @ 110# (wide grip)
10 reps @ 131# burst to failure

split benchpress machine 
20 burst reps @ 110# (10 wide/10 narrow grip)

August 5th
Out due to pushing too hard the previous day...lesson learned.

August 6th
Cardio 20 minutes on the Circuit training area. . Got my heart rate to around 132.
This is really a core building exercise, and less of a bicep exercise, working biceps, pecs, abs, traps and deltoids
22.5# each side 12 reps
27.5# each side 6 reps
17.5# each side 10 reps
17.5# each side 20 reps

Dead Hanging leg lifts 6

25# disks 30 reps
25# disks 40 reps
45# disks 20 reps

Friday, August 2, 2013

2 August

Went with Sean today (forgot my book, so no specifics.)

Cardio: 20 minutes in the circuit training room.

Dips (assist machine)

Pullups (assist machine)

Leg lifts


Back Extension.

Switching to dates 30 July through 1 August

30 July
Cardio  3/4 miles elliptical

Dumbbell curls (standing)
32 reps,  (16 each side) 20# bells
20 reps,  (10 each side) 25# bells
12 reps,  (6 each side) 30# bells

Preacher Curls
Curl bar 25#
6 @ 75# narrow grip
6 @ 75# wide grip
14 @ 45# burst to failure narrow grip
18 @ 45# to failure wide grip.

leg lifts
2 @ 10 reps
1 @ 12 reps

31 July 
Took the day off due to exhaustion from 3 12 hour days at work combined with working out.

1 August
Cardio Elliptical 1.03 miles in 15 minutes.

Seated Calf raises
Machine resistance 26# + 130#
1 @ 10 reps
1 @ 12 reps
1 @ 10 reps

Power Sled base 167#
1 @ 10 reps +180# = 347#
1 @ 12 reps +270# = 437# +10 calf
1 @ 8 reps +360# = 527# +16 calf
1 @ 6 reps +460# = 617# +10 calf
1 @ 6 reps +460# = 617#

Hip Adduction
3 sets of 10 70# position 4
1 set of 10 70# position 3

Hip Abduction
3 sets of 10 70# position 1

Leg Curls 
3 sets 10/12/10 70#

Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 85#

Abs - Obliques
1 set 12 25# disks
1 set 10 45# disks
1 set 14 25# disks

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Big update coming

Big update coming tomorrow for this week's workout, I had a huge night working legs tonight...617# on the power sled!!!

Stand by!